* 西藏


Lhasa, which means "Land of the Gods" and is over 1,300 years old, sits in a valley right next to the Lhasa River. In the eastern part of the city, near the Jokhang Temple and Barkhor neighborhood, Tibetan influence is still strong and evident and it is common to see traditionally dressed Tibetans engaged on the kora (a clockwise circumambulation or walk around the Jokhang Temple), often spinning prayer wheels.

The western part of Lhasa is more ethnically Han Chinese in character. It is busy and modern and looks similar to many other Chinese cities. Much of the infrastructure, such as banks and government offices are to be found there.


布达拉宫 - 大昭寺 - 扎基寺 - 罗布林卡
318线 - 甘丹寺 - 米拉山口
巴松措 - 色季拉山 - 鲁朗林海
波密 - 米堆冰川 - 然乌湖 - 
波密 - 嘎瓦隧道 - 古乡湖 - 老虎嘴瀑布
墨脱县 - 原始森林
波密 - 通麦天险 - 鲁朗林海 - 苯日神山
大峡谷 - 米林县 - 拉姆拉措 
加查 - 达古峡谷 - 雍布拉康 - 山南- 昌珠寺 - 泽当镇
山南 - 桑耶寺 - 羊湖 - 拉萨


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